Upravit stránku

General Data Protection Regulation

The company FV PLAST,  a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Czech Republic and having its Principal office at FV Plast, Bartlova 2791/17 A, Praha 9, Horni Pocernice, Czech Republic, informs all visitors of website https://www.fv-plast.cz/ and http://www.fv-therm.cz as well as our customers, distributors, supplieres and visitiors o our facilities on processing of personal details and general data protection.

Personal Data Protection is our priority and thus we always will follow all legitimate rules and data processing terms coming from our relationship. It is highly important to inform customers clearly and fully on personal data processing to give them clear picture on their rights and benefit from the full digital privacy framework where the GDPR is applied.

  • Here we explain all these GDPR aspects
  • What kind of personal data we will process
  • Which way we will use your personal data and on which legal principals
  • Who has the access to your data
  • How long we will keep your data
  • How we protect your personal data
  • What is your legal framework in the respect to GDPR

In the case that you are in need getting some explanation of the following text, do not hesitate to contact us on gdpr@fv-plast.cz. We are ready to answer your questions regrading GDPR and processing terms.


We process these information:

  •  Personal data freely given
    Your personal data received during communication with us. For example these data coming from contractual obligation, or the contact based on web communication, or if you email us some ideas or requests, or when you fill up some forms ehere personal data are required, if you give us some personal data for the purpose of invoicing or file a claim.
  • It refers to these data 

        - personal identity - name, family name, address, birthday, etc.

        - contacts - email ID, phone numbers

  • Personal data, we receive, when you use our products or services. We collect information on which products you are interested in and how you use our services, from the moment of checking our websites till purchase.

        - Information on intensivity of your activity on our website. It is recorded your net activity with every visit of our website. We use cookies to analyze                operation web services. When you visit our websites, we gather information on the schema of your activities on our websites, mainly number of the visits,            repeating checking a particular chapters, etc.. This information we never link with your personal data, like data you filled up in forms or connection with                used IP address. Other information regarding cookies are available in the Amendment A of GDPR rules.

       - Your payments data and billing data. If you take your goods, we will process your personal data linked with sale invoices and payment terms.


  • All data given, we use to offer our services and products, for the purpose of later possible contacts. To give you information you were looking for. We also use gathered information in order we could provide you with trade events, planned changes or about products and services, we do.
  • The information extrapolated from cookies files we use to improve the quality of our websites and our services. To this effort we use cookies services (see amendment A - cookies functions). For example if we save your language setting, we can offer services in your language preferences. With advertisemnt we will not link identity management of cookies or other technologies with your personal data. Your IP address is uposed to be used just for the city identification, for better understanding of the way of lifestyle.
  • Third side records (central evidence of distrainment - CEE, insolvecy register) we are allowed to use for protecting our rightful interests.

Personal data are processed in accordance above mentioned regulations, on the basis of mutual contract or your Request, on the basis of our legal commitments, on the basis of our rightful interest or on the basis of your consent given for the purpose of processing.

Our legitimate interests, which we process your personal data on, are based on mutual relationship. Our legitimate rightful interest are these:

  • Your contact as a result of mutual business relationship, eventually including direct marketing results.
  • Our service improvement and improvement of product you purchased.
  • Promotion of our service and products.
  • Statistical analysis based on your initiatives and questionnaires.
  • Processing of evidence regarding our economy poverty
  • Effective sales promotion and sales support
  • Our and your rights protection

Your data are used for our intern communication. We provide records where your data are saved, the way of their protection, canceling and eventually who is responsibly for these changes. All this effort we do to declare that we use your data in accordance with legal regulations.


Our company pay attention to protection of your personal data, from this reason we give your data to the third-parties only to satisfy above mention purposes, namely that it is necessary scope. If we procced the personal data to third-parties, always we do on the basis of contractual relationship or on the basis of general conditions, in order we could control how the other parties handle your data.

To your personal data are having access these recipients:

  • Web, cloud, server providers or providers of IT services.
  • Authorities and medical insurance companies in accordance with their legal duties, particularly Czech Republic financial administration and social administration of the Czech REpublic.
  • Suppliers of accoournting and auditing services.
  • Suppliers of law services.

A complete list of recipients and processers we will send on demand, on contact email adress gdpr@fv-plast.cz.

We your personal data at the territory of EU, thus the data are not procced out of this territory.


We will process your personal data for urgently needed time for satisfying purposes mentioned above, thus doing services and offering our products, finishing required transactions or further needed purposes, as keeping legal regulations is, or enforcement of agreements. These needs might be different according to the purposes and context of offered product, thus the time of keeping the information might vary considerably. Among criteria, which base is the time of keeping on, belong these:

  • How long are data needed for doing services and running company for? It includes activities of product improvement, or keeping our systems secured and keeping our commercial records. These are general aspects for evaluation of the time the records shall be kept for.
  • Do you give us your personal data with e expectation that we are suposed to keep them till you ask us to erase them? If yes, we will keep them for the whole time.
  • Are these data personally sensitive? If yes, it should use them for shorter term.
  • Implemented and announced a particular time for keeping records of certain kind of data? If yes, we will never extend the time.
  • Have you granted your formal consent with the time of keeping the information? If yes, we will keep data in accordance with your consent.
  • Do we have to respect legal commitments of keeping data records? For example, they are legal regulations informing how data are to keep, government decree to storage data related to investigating or data which is a need to keep them for litigation procedure.


We are aware of the problem, that securing personal data not to be perused, is our priority. That´s why we are effectively trying to use the best security systems for the data not to be pursued or we could prevent from unwarranted encroachment.

Into your prsonal data. In framework of our activities we will do our best to prevent from any security incident, especially we will train our people on the subject of personal data protection, we will take measures and get our employees to knouw our inner corporate regulations related to personal data protection and we will always use a high technology solutions for protecting our recorts, for example encrypted data, sophisticated pesswords and the most suitable software.

In the case that despite of our best effort some security incident happened, and this event would threat your fundamental rights, we will inform you immediately, namely via email and also by publishing this infomation on our wesites, necessary details included.

For protecting of your personal data, we have taken these measures:

  • Security management. We are highlighting the need of securing your personal data against a risk of the human factor, mainly:

    - We took and we are hard to stay within guidelines and documents of inner security measurements.

    - On regular basis, we provide our employees with training on personal data management and risks of public security.

    - On a basis of the contract we determine a responsibility of employees, external temporaty workers, suppliers and other third parties with the access to your personal data.

    - We adopted standardized procerures related to a work with your prsonal data.
  • Technical measurements. We implemented important technical measurements to ensure security of your personal data, mainly: 

    - Access to the systems with a content of personal data under a password only.

    - Regular maintenance of the devices which are data to be saved on.

    - Antivirus software protection, firewalls protection, means for protecting access of unauthorized persons to personal data or tools for its processing.


In relation to a proccesing of your personal data you are holder of these rights.

  • Right to have access to personal data
  • Right to demand a correct mistake
  • Right to be cancelled (erased)
  • Right to limit a processing of personal data
  • Right to raise an objection
  • Right on transferability of data
  • Right to lodge a complaint

Your rights are explained here in detail, in order you could make a clearer picture on their content.

Right to access means, that you can request our confirmation, if your personal data are processed and in the case they are, which range, who has an access to them, how long we will process them, if you are having right to cancel your data, limit processing procedure, or to demur regarding the source of personal dat. Further if personal data are proceed to automated decision making, or creation of profiles. Also you have right to get a copy of your personal data, whereas the first Request is for free chargé, every other is price 100 CZK.

Right to correct mistake means that you can ask us anytime to correct or complet your personal data, if they are incomplete or inaccurate.

Right to cancel (erased) data means, that we must cancel all your personal data if (i) they are not needed for purposes have been gathered, (ii) or have been processed illegally, (iii) you will make a point of order against processing there are no legitimate reasons for processing, (iv) it imposes legal duty or in the respect to personal data, you gave a consent, you will cancel this agreement.

Right to limit processing means, that if we do not find a solution of any controversial issues related to processing of your personal data, we are not allowed to process your personal data in other way than we will have these data saved only and eventually we can use them on the basis of your agreement only or from the purpose of determination, execution or defending legal claims.

Right to demur means that you can raise an objection against processing your personal data, which process for the purposes of direct marketing or from reasons rightful interest, profiling included based on our rightful interest. If you raise an objection against processing for the purpose of direct marketing, your personal dat will not procced further. In the case of objection on processing, based on otherm purposes, this objection will be evaluated and consequently we will inform you if we continue with orhet processing. In any case till the moment the objection will be evaluated, the processing would have been stopped.

Right on transferability of data means that you have right to ger the personal data involves you and these which we were fiven on the basis of rightful consent or contract basis, and which are processed automatically, in structured, usually used format, and given right these data to be transferred to otherm authority.

In the case of having criticism or complaints related to GDPR or you would like to contact a responsible person for personal data protection, eventually you exercise some of your rights, contact us on gdpr@fv-plast.cz. We will repsonse your emails within one month.


Our guidelines might be changed time to time. All changes related to guidelines of personal data protection we will publish on our websites and if there will be any turning point regarding the guidelines we will inform you in details (in the case of some services we could announce the changes via email).  Previous versions of these rules we archive for you to have access to them. These versions are available on website mentioned above.

These guidelines come to in force from 19th of March, 2019.

Cookies usage on our website.

1. What are cookies

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user´s computer and safe. Internet websites at the moment when you start to use these nets. For some time will hold a data to a specific website and activities, actions, you did (for example account login, lenguage, writing size and other preferences), thus you need not to make the set up again.


Our company uses this kind of cookies:

  • Google analytics

2. Why we use cookies?

Our website, as well as almost all websites, uses cookies to give you the best user´s experience. Our cookies help us in these:

  • To improve our website as you expect.
  • To accelerate and thus better secure your website.
  • To make aesier to share social nets.
  • Instantly improve aou website.
  • Make our marketing more effective (it helps us to offer our services and products for the price we sell them now).

We do not use cookies to:

  • Collecting any sensitive data.
  • Data transfer to third-party cookies.
  • To get commision of the sales.

We inform about all cookies we use here.

3. More information on cookies

3.1. Cookies used for web proper functioning

Some cookies we use to insure website functions

  • To find out if you are log on to system
  • To be able remember your history of searching on our website

Unfortunately, there is no way how to eliminate using of these cookies in other way than to terminate usage of website.

3.2. Function of third-party

All data are thanks to our website collected by marketing tools, especially Google Analytics. These tools help solely to improve our services and marketing purposes, they can not identify a particular user, respectively his personal data collection.
The possibility how to prevent gathering these information, is described bellow. In no case we sell these data, we do not change them or rent them. More information you find on website of these services providers, on address https://www.google.com/analytics or on the Wikipedia on the address



3.3. How to disable cookies

Some functions of our website is based on cookies files. Even in the case that you granted your consent to cookies, which follows your activities on net, you can block them. When you decide to block cookies, the most probably you will not use these functions and you will loose a set up which is based on proper function of cookies. To set up Cookies is possible to use your internet browser.

Information on browsers and the way of setting of cookies files you can find on following websites:

Effective tool for management of cookies files i salso available on http://www.youronlinechoices.com/cz/

Этот веб-сайт использует файлы cookie
